

Construction project of flood forecasting and dispatching system

The resource name:Construction project of flood forecasting and dispatching system

Download address: 1, owner area:
Hebei, Guangxi, Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hainan, Hubei,, Shandong, Anhui, Fujian, Yunnan, Hunan, Guizhou and Sichuan
2, service content:
System design, equipment configuration and integration, software development, installation and debugging, system maintenance
3. General situation of the project:
Reservoir is the key part of flood control, and the safety of reservoir involves the safety of life and property of downstream residents and industrial and mining enterprises. In order to improve the hydrological monitoring and flood control situation, realize water information automatic acquisition, automatic transmission and processing, make the timely preparation of flood forecasting, flood dispatch plan put forward quickly, and provide decision support for reservoir flood control department supervisor, give full play to water flood prevention engineering benefit, scientific utilization of flood resources, reducing flood disaster of reservoir downstream the national requirements of large reservoirs are required to establish the automatic hydrological forecast and flood forecasting and dispatching system. The construction of water regime automatic measuring and reporting system mainly includes the automatic monitoring of upstream rainfall, reservoir inflow and outflow, and monitoring of basin water level. Flood forecasting and dispatching system establishes flood forecasting model mainly according to upstream condition of reservoir and historical meteorological and hydrological data, and establishes dispatching model combined with reservoir regulation plan to realize scientific management of reservoir and improve flood fighting and disaster reduction ability of reservoir. From 2002 to 2013, through the tender, we participated in the project of 15 provinces, more than 100 reservoirs of water regime automatic measurement and reporting system construction and flood forecasting and scheduling software development, the total contract is about 14 million yuan. At present, all the systems have been checked and accepted, and the system runs well.

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